It is 2023 calendar is a design that focuses on typography and typeface.
The overall design uses four brighter colors as jump colors to make the atmosphere more lively, and also symbolizes that the upcoming 2023 will be a bright and happy year.

〈It is 2023 calendar〉是一個專注於字體設計與版面設計的月曆。整體的設計使用了四個明亮的跳色,去營造一個更加活潑的氛圍;同時也表示,即將到來的2023年將會是一個明亮且愉悅的一年。

It is 2023 calendar         

International Design Awards (IDA) 2022, Silver in Print
C-IDEA Design Award 2022

2023 Taiwan Fastener Fashion Show is an event co-organized by the Taiwan Fastener Trading Association and Shih Chien University, Department of Fashion Styling and Design Communication. The overall visual design is dominated by blue tones which represented by calmness and rationality; at the same time, dot matrix elements are used to highlight the precision technology that Taiwan is very proud of in the industry and textile industry.

The initial of the Latin word "con" means "with, together", which represents the inseparable relationship between the industry and academia, as well as a beautiful life that combines rigidity and softness.

2023 Taiwan Fastener Fashion Show          
Client: Taiwan Fastener Trading Association

2023 Taiwan Fastener Fashion Show 是一由台灣螺絲貿易協會與實踐大學時尚設計學系一同舉辦的活動。整體的視覺設計,以冷靜和理性為代表的藍色色調作為支配的顏色;同時搭配點陣的元素,來凸顯工業與紡織業都是台灣相當穎以為傲的精密技術。而 「con」 拉丁文字首的意思是 「一起、共同、全部」 ,代表著業界與學界密不可分的關係,以及剛柔並濟的美好生活。

What is Perfect? Is there any thing in this entire world means “perfect”? While pursuing perfection, it is both stressful and exhausting, so why don't we let ourselves relax and open minded. Whether everything will be like eighty percent, no more, no less, just right.

This series of posters, include some celebrity’s words from speech, movie and book. All the contents are about positive thought which is encouragement for people to change their thinking. The overall design is revolved around the layout and typography, and also focused on hierarchy to emphasize the topic.
8ighty percent solo exhibition          
At: Tainan Cultural and Creative Park


「8ighty percent, 80%」,是以字型設計、版面設計以及書籍編輯企畫作為展出內容。所有的系列作品,皆是創作者在不同情境與情感之下,對於 「8ighty percent」 的理想和詮釋。

Taking the mathematical symbol "∞" as the design idea, the main visual design for the 63rd anniversary celebration of Shih Chien University was constructed. The overall color is set in 2021 as the main color of the popular colors "gray" and "yellow". The simplicity and neatness of a racing track not only symbolizes the profound foundation of Shih Chien University’s founding of a school, but also symbolizes the connotation of sustainable and endless development of the school.

The raised "V" line in the upper right corner of the number 3 symbol shape, in addition to increasing the viewing level of the symbol, also implies the power and vitality of the continuous positive development of school affairs.
Shih Chien University Kaohsiung Campus
63rd Anniversary         


以數學符號無限 「∞」 為設計發想,構築了實踐大學63週年校慶主視覺設計。整體色彩以2021年的年度流行色,灰與黃為主調,灰色表現沈穩內斂的校風,黃色傳達了校務整發展的創意與活力。

「∞」 符號造形如競速跑道般簡潔俐落,除了象徵實踐大學創校一甲子有三的深刻底蘊,更象徵了學校發展的永續與生生不息的內涵。數字3符號造型右上角揚起的 「V」 線條,除了增加符號的觀看層次外,也寓意了校務持續正向發展前進的動力與活力。

Shih Chien University, Department of Fashion Styling and Design Communication is a relatively new department, so in the design of the brochure, red, which represents vitality and enthusiasm is the main and dominate color. The overall layout design uses a simplified design with a large amount of blank space, so that readers can focus more on the text narrative; at the same time, the design of symbols is used to guide readers in the direction of reading, so that they can read more effectively.

Department of
Fashion Styling and Design Communication

Copyright © by Alice Chang